Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The nightmare
I go to sleep and all my fears go away
But suddenly I wake up and they all come back
I hear whispers in my ears as I walk
The hallway is narrow and pitch black
I am walking in a black hole
And I can’t stand the whispers in my ears
They are like spears hurting my ears
As I walk they get louder
Horror screams blast my head
And the whispers say
‘WHY?, WHY?, WHY?’

The whispers disappear
I no longer need to fear
As I open the hallway door
They disappear as fast as a cheetah
I can’t take this no more
Is this real or is it not?
Then I enter a room
And I see all the ones that I have made suffer
I feal like I am going insane
In this very weird place
Then suddenly from behind me, I hear
Squeak, squeak, squeak
The noise continues getting faster and faster
As something aproches me with speed
Then a sharp lightening hits me
Putting a knife threw my heart
But I am still alive
This dream world is like no other
As all I fear is around
I feel like I am being watched
By something in the dark
Then I see the final room
The room with the way out
Then suddenly I begin to fall
And then “splat”… I hit the floor

I wake up…“am I finally out?”
I am a prisoner… I am a slave … I am stuck in the dark

Forever…in this nightmare…

information sobre el tigre

el tigre e carnivoro entao come carne
Son poderosos cazadores nocturnos, capaces de recorrer muchos kilómetros para encontrar búfalos, ciervos, jabalíes u otros grandes mamíferos
Los tigres usan su característico pelaje para camuflarse (no hay dos tigres con las mismas rayas). Acechan pacientemente y se acercan a sus víctimas con gran sigilo lo suficiente para atacarlas con un salto rápido y letal.
Un tigre hambriento puede comer hasta 25 kilogramos en una noche, aunque normalmente no son tan voraces.
A pesar de su temible reputación, la mayoría de los tigres evitan a los humanos, aunque unos pocos sí se convierten en peligrosos devoradores de hombres.
Suele tratarse de animales enfermos o incapaces de cazar con normalidad, o que viven en una zona donde sus presas naturales han desaparecido.el menir formiga do mundo es o giacamo.  

Por que sesfhjenhjdk en estincoein
La caza ilegal para la obtencion de la piel y la destruccion de su habitat han reducido de manera considerable la poblacion salvaje del tigre. Se estima que a principios del siglo XX existian alrededor de 100 000 tigres en estado salvaje, distribuidos desde la Peninsula de Anatolia hasta la isla de Bali, mietras que recientemente se calcula que la poblacion salvaje del tigre consta de poco mas de 3000 ejemplares, mientras que en cautiverio se estima que existen aproximadamente 20 000.
La piel del tigre de bengala y de otros tipos de felinos son utilizados principalmente para crear ropa, zapatos y tapetes. Lo que a causado una gran perdida en la poblacion salvaje del tigre.

, la hembra de a luz de una a seis crias de menos de un kilogramo de peso.

Al cumplir las ocho semanas de edad, las crias estan listas para salir de su guarida y seguir a su madre. Los ejemplares jovenes se vuelven independientes a los 18 meses de edad, pero hasta una edad aproximada de entre los dos años y los dos años y medio no se separan definitivamente de la madre.

bean hypothesis


How does plant growth occur?

  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants turn sunlight into food. Food that is created by this photosynthesis is used by the plant to add more tissue to itself, whether rit be more leaves, flowers, or fruits. Without the process of photosynthesis, plant growth would not occur, and eventually the plant would not only stop growing, but stop living.

How darkness affects plant growth

  • The photosynthetic process occurs most readily when the sunlight available to the plant is the greatest. This is why plants in the tropics grow so large. They are near the equator where the sunlight is directly overhead much of the year. However, photosynthesis can occur in the dark. It does not occur as rapidly as during the daylight, but it is possible. If this were not the case, plants would shut down entirely every night when the sun went down.
  • Therefore, the periodic darkness of nighttime does not affect plant growth very much. In areas of the world, like Alaska, that experience seasonal increases in the length of daylight photosynthesis does make plants grow very large. Although Alaskan vegetable gardens are filled with plants that do well with cool temperatures and a short growing season (turnips and cabbage, for example), they tend to grow very large. This is because the sunlight hitting the gardens can do so for up to 20 hours a day.
  • Plants would not do well in total darkness. If a plant were to be placed in a closet with no light it would stop growing. If placed there too long, even with adequate water, it would still die because plants depend on receiving some sunlight

All things need energy to grow. We get energy from the food we eat. Plants get energy from light through a process called photosynthesis. This is how light affects the growth of a plant. Without light, a plant would not be able to produce the energy it needs to grow.
The question, “What kind of light do plants need” may also refer to time needed in light. Normally they are referred to as low/shade, medium/part sun or high/full sun plants. Low or shade plants may need only a few hours of light a day while high or full sun plants need eight or more hours of light a day.

Since my research shows that plants can't grow in the dark, because plants need light for photosynthesis, the plants in the dark will die, but only if they find a little bit of sun, so they have a little chance to live, but the ones with sun will grow because the sun is important in the photosynthesis processes. Because plants need light to do photosynthesis not only light but they also need carbon dioxide. After the process they produce oxygen and glucose.They use glucose as nutrients to make them grow so without photosynthesis they can't produce glucose and without glucose they can't grow.

endangered animal work

MYP 1 Science
Endangered Species Research

Common name
Scientific name
there are 9 types of Pangolin separated into 3 genera most are endangered but some are vulnerable and 1 is extinct.

Tree pangolin, Phataginus tricuspis
Long-tailed pangolin, Phataginus tetradactyla
Indian pangolin, Manis crassicaudata
Chinese pangolin, Manis pentadactyla
Asian giant pangolin Manis paleojavanica
Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica
Philippine pangolin, Manis culionensis
Giant pangolin, Smutsia gigantea
Ground pangolin, Smutsia temminckii
Pangolins are one of the most trafficked animal in the world
Why choose this?
Because this animal is different because you never hear about this animal if you look at the news you won't ever see them and plus they are critically endangered they are also the most trafficked animal and this is interesting that a animal that i almost completely anone to humans that don't go to the wild will never see or hear of this animal they will only know if they research.
Natural habitat
They can be found in woodlands and savannas across asia and africa
Endangered because...
It is endangered because of animal trafficking and because of  habitat loss this is because they lose their food .
This species is important because...
It is a anteater and not alot oof animals eat ants if it dies in their habitat their will be two much ant it is also eaten by lions and other animals so killing this animal will displace the food web .
Strategy used to avoid extinction.
Since they are mostly extinct from animal trafficking and the animal is very anone they organizations and agencies are first getting people to learn what is a pangolin they have also made a pangolin day on the 15 of febuary and also they are getting people to not buy pangolin jewelry, medicine etc. some of the organizations helping have also help keep the species alive by helping the captured pangolins in a shelter
Advantages of this strategy.
Don’t forget to discuss each advantage from a specific point of view. (Moral, social, economic or environmental?)
1.Bringing global awareness to an animal can help informed police can help them know the size of a pangolin and this can help them find people that do animal trafficking.
2.Bringing animals to shelters and bringing down organizations that sell pangolins help the species continue reproducing so it can stop being endangered.
Disadvantages of this strategy.
Don’t forget to discuss each disadvantage from a specific point of view. (Moral, social, economic or environmental?)
1.Bringing Global awareness might make people want to buy more pangolin jewelry and medicine because they may think it is cool and nice to have since they are endangered

2.Bringing animals to shelter might make the animals unable to survive in the wild which may lead to it going endangered again.

Evaluation: strategy successful or not? why?
The strategy is successful for now because if the population of pangolins continue getting lower they will have to start contributing more and helping in other ways.
All sources
(MLA format)
(min. 2)
"The World's Most Trafficked Mammal Is One You May Never Have Heard Of." NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"Pangolin." African Wildlife Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"What Is A Pangolin?" Save Pangolins. N.p., 04 Jan. 2011. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
Extra picture 1 + captions + source

area of where pangolins live
Extra picture 2 + captions + source
Pangolins are anteaters they eat the ants with their super long tongue their tongue is like a chameleon's one.They also carry there babies on their back.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

morningChocolate milk 1Eggs 2crackers 10cereal (150g)
lunchAppleSandwich 2Orange juice
dinnerRiceShoestring (batata palha)doce de leitemilkstroganoff
Daily requirement
energy5403,0 kcal
macronutrient range
carbohydrate45 to 65%
fat25 to 35%
protein10 to 30%
carbs45 to 65%54%
fat25 to 35%35%
prootien10 to 30% 11%
kcal5.403 3.020
Carpohydrate491 54%
fat316 35%
protein100 11%
Total907 100%